Your issues

You use substances like cannabis, ecstasy, amphetamines, cocaine or opiates and are looking for counselling? Perhaps you are not affected yourself, but a family member, teacher or other trusted person is? We look forward to meeting you and would be happy to help.

Are you looking for counselling on media use? You are affected yourself or so is a family member, teacher or other trusted person? We look forward to meeting you and would be happy to help.

Our counselling service for young people up to the age of 21 around the issue of alcohol is called "HaLT - Hart am Limit" and aims to protect children and young people from high-risk and harmful alcohol consumption

Our "HaLT" counselling sessions provide support for children, teens and young adults on the topic of alcohol and combined drug use and also support the parents and caregivers of those affected. We provide confidential advice over the phone, by video call or in person at our counselling centre in Cologne

"HaLT" risk assessment

During the risk assessment, those affected learn how to better assess their risk behaviour either in a group or individual setting. We use interactive ways to educate participants about the risks of alcohol abuse and how it can lead to addiction. Feel free to get in touch to arrange an appointment! You will find more information at

We offer counselling and guidance on legal and illegal substances and excessive media use. You are affected yourself or a family member, teacher or other trusted person is?

We would be happy to advise you and, if needed, provide guidance on further help as well as outpatient or inpatient therapies.

In partnership with the Holweide child and adolescent psychiatry unit ("Grünes Haus" ward) run by Cologne's hospitals, we provide follow-on outpatient care after a period of certified withdrawal.

You will find more information in our information pack (see Links and downloads).

We work together with schools and, if requested, organise peer training sessions, parents' evenings and activity days in close co-operation with our Addiction Prevention Unit.

We provide specialist expertise for various committees on the subject of addiction counselling and prevention.

We lend out training kits on methods to prevent addiction for use in the context of teaching.

You will find all training kits under
